søndag 23. oktober 2011

Great Barrier Reef!

Today I could check of the first thing on my to-do-list here in Australia!
I went to Queensland to join the course I'd signed up for, so that I could finally do something I have dreamed of for a looong time. Of course to dive into the Great Barrier Reef!
 For me, it was the first thing I thought of when someone mentioned Australia, so actually being able to experience it myself was amazing.

I started out getting to know the other tourist in my group, and I really came along great with all of them! Especially the groupleader, so now i hopefully have my personal guide while I'm here.
We learned alot about security while you're in there, and generally what to do to get the best out of your dive.

When it was finally time to jump in, I got really nervous... I have this weird fobia against large things, so when I realized how large the fishes I would be less then half a metre away from, it was so close that I backed out. It accured that all I needed was some cheering up from my companions and leaders, and I was ready to go!
And GOD I'm glad I did it!

I can't describe the regrets I would have had if I decided not to. It was the experience of a lifetime! All the colors, fishes, turtles, clear water.. I'ts unbeliavable. I've always been fascinated by the ocean, so I think Australia have to impress me quite a bit to top this!

Thanks to Wikipedia and google images!

To do down under!

I've now arrived Melbourne, and on my trip over there, wich including plane shifting and the flights itselves took about 24 hours (..), I tried to do some researching about the culture and things to see and do in Australia. Here's what I sorted out!

Considering the climate in Australia, outdoor activities is widespread down under.
Horseracing, surfing, australian football, rugby, swimming, cricket and tennis. I really look forward towards trying out surfing and tennis for the first time in my life!
In the musicindustry, Australia also has alot to contribute with. Artists and bands like Kylie Minouge, Bee Gees, Cut Copy and AC/DC are all originally from Australia.

The australian cuisine consist mainly of fish, shellfish, fruit and lamb. The Australians is famous for its amazing raw material. Their national dish is called Vegemite, and is something you can have on your sandwich. It’s produced by the leftovers you get when you’re brewing beer, and tastes salty and bitter. I can’t wait to try it out!!...

According to the article ''100 things to do when you're in Australia, the first thing I need to do, is to dive in to the Great Barrier Reef. I'm absolutely certain it will be amazing. Look at this place!

I've booked a course for tomorrow, so I probably won't be able to sleep tonight..

FridayI'll travel back to Melbourne to see an opera at the world noted Melbourne opera house.

SaturdayI'm going to swim with wild dolphins in WA’s Monkey Mia!

SundayMy plan for this day is to paddle the mighty Murray river :)

MondayDo some shopping in Melbourne baby!


I'll be spending the next couple of weeks in Australia, discovering all the culture and attractions there is possible to see. Before leaving, I thought it was necessary to do some research, in an attempt to find out what it really is to see ''down under'', except for kangaroos and surfing.  Here's some of the things I've sorted out about Australias history first and formost.

Up until 1901, Australia was colonized by England. The english government decided that it was an excellent idea to ship the prisoners from the overcrowded prisons in Englan to Australia.

The Australian flag consists of the british flag in the top left corner, and six stars on the other part of the flag. There’s one large, sevenpointed star among the six stars, wich represents the six official states, and one point free in case of upcoming states in the future.
There’s an ongoing debate about wether or not Australia should change their flag to one where their self-government points out more. Their proposition was voted down in the Ausflag campaign.

That's all I have figured out so far! I'll be back later when I have arrived in melbourne, with an entry considering what attractions, sport, concerts and food I'll experience during my stay. 

onsdag 28. september 2011

Blood Diamond

About a week ago we watched the movie "Blood Diamond" at school.
My opinions is that, first of all, the movie was really good. Although it lasted for approximately three hours, It kept my full attention and interest throughout the story. There was always new conflicts and problems to solve, so it never got boring.
This movie is a good candidate for my top ten list. It was amazing, and I have to admit that I cried several times.

About me

I'm a fifteen year old girl who lives in the dump right outside of Trondheim, Malvik.
In my spare time I usually hang out with friends, do homework or listen to music. I like keeping busy, and I get easily bored, so living in Malvik isn't ideal for me. But I think i can live through the stink of cow disposal and gasoline for a couple of more years!
Luckily I got accepted at Adolf Øien, so that I got to know a lot of new people, and get to pretend I'm a little urban for at least eight hours a day.

That's all i have to say!